80173a6c-5da6-4dc3-b857-76e55e9711ddTorre Annunziata was an important city for the productions and trading of pasta and for its port. Now it’s known like a dirty city because people neglect it. In our city, the most important problems are: litter, sea pollution and atmosphere pollution.
Litter invades the streets and pollutes also our sea ruining beauties of our coast and making impossible swimming so that it doesn’t attract tourists. We can solve this problem by recycling and encouraging people to have events about it: for example, kids who pick up more rubbish than others will get a prize, which could be some sweets. Another solution, for families, is organizing collection door to door.
Problems concerning sea pollution are caused by factories that dump chemicals into rivers and sea. In fact, we find rubbish on the waves.
Last but not least, atmosphere pollution is also a very big problem. Every day we use cars and buses to travel around the city, and, often, we get stuck in traffic jams. We can solve this problem in different ways: sharing our car or simply walking or using public transports or riding a bike (even if in our city there aren’t cycle lanes and the streets are dangerous). To think about it people also shouldn’t build new factories, nor cut many trees that purify the environment, giving us oxygen and taking carbon dioxide.
We are worried of looking at our city crumbling down under our feet! The change is very close to us, if we simply open our eyes and do our best!

Torre Annunziata was an important city for the productions and trading of pasta and for its port. Now it’s known like a dirty city because people neglect it. In our city, the most important problems are: litter, sea pollution and atmosphere pollution.
Litter invades the streets and pollutes also our sea ruining beauties of our coast and making impossible swimming so that it doesn’t attract tourists. We can solve this problem by recycling and encouraging people to have events about it: for example, kids who pick up more rubbish than others will get a prize, which could be some sweets. Another solution, for families, is organizing collection door to door.
Problems concerning sea pollution are caused by factories that dump chemicals into rivers and sea. In fact, we find rubbish on the waves.
Last but not least, atmosphere pollution is also a very big problem. Every day we use cars and buses to travel around the city, and, often, we get stuck in traffic jams. We can solve this problem in different ways: sharing our car or simply walking or using public transports or riding a bike (even if in our city there aren’t cycle lanes and the streets are dangerous). To think about it people also shouldn’t build new factories, nor cut many trees that purify the environment, giving us oxygen and taking carbon dioxide.
We are worried of looking at our city crumbling down under our feet! The change is very close to us, if we simply open our eyes and do our best!

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