A model of willpower, dedication and determination: Misty Copeland
Hai mai sentito parlare di Misty Copeland? I love her.
Mi è stata di grande aiuto e mi ha dimostrato quanto siano importanti la tenacia e la determinazione nel seguire i propri sogni.
E’ afroamericana e ha iniziato a studiare danza a 13 anni, troppo tardi per chiunque voglia fare carriera nel settore. Eppure Misty ce l’ha fatta ed è diventata la prima étoile non bianca dell’American Ballet Theatre.
Misty Copeland (34 years old) is one of the most famous ballerinas/dancer in the world but her life was very difficult because her family was very poor and she is black and muscular.
She started studying ballet when she was 13 years old at Bradley’s school and she won her first national ballet contest and got her first solo role.
In 2000, Misty became a member of the American Ballet Theatre and after 7 years, she became a soloist. Her career was an enormous success but she had many problems: she had to stop doing ballet twice for injuries and she developed an eating disorder to get a perfect body.
But the Copeland persevered and in 2015 she made her debut in Swan Lake and she became the first African-American woman to be the principal dancer of ABT.
She is also an actor and singer in musical and author of three books: An Unlikely Ballerina, Firebird and Ballerina Body.
Last year, when Mattel created a Barbie doll inspired by Copeland she said: “It’s amazing to have a Barbie that is a black ballerina and she has muscles and is strong. It’s just really cool”.
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