Earth Day’s 2020- 50th anninersary
In recent years, the focus on Earth Day has become ever greater.
But what is Earth day? Mainly, a day dedicated to the environment for the protection of the planet: every year, in fact, on April 22, events are organized all over the world, during which you become aware of the theme of ecology and get information on the health of the planet. In short, a great ecological event that originated from a very serious environmental disaster that involved the United States in 1969: the oil spill from a Union Oil well.
This event led Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson to become more interested in environmental issues, and people were so interested in the problem to participate actively.
There were many American citizens who participated in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 , about 20 million people among citizens, universities, institutions – to the point that the following year the UN formalized its participation and commitment to the ‘initiative. Since then 175 countries have been involved.
Every year on Earth Day a point is made on the state of health of the planet and, in some cases, international agreements are being signed for the reduction of emissions or the use of green energy.
But…Earth Day is going to look a little different this year (22 April 2020).
With the Coronavirus pandemic continuing to spread, cities, counties, states and entire countries are taking measures to try and reduce its effects. Many have shut down businesses and have set travel restrictions, but each place is dealing with the situation differently. “Social distancing” is strongly recommended,
COVID-19 has also posed a challenge for what was predicted to be the largest global mobilization in history. April 22, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The long list of Earth Day events which had to take place locally and around the globe have been restructured or canceled. Many mobilization efforts are now taking a digital-first strategy to observe Earth Day unlike any other.
In celebration of its 50th anniversary the Earth Day Network is organising the multiple special programs that include Citizen Science which is to collect one billion data points to measure air quality, water quality, pollution and human health and Foodprints for the future to educate people about the connection between food and climate change.
On April 22, join another important global digital mobiltization EARTHRISE, that drives actions big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and planet. EARTHRISE will fill the digital landscape with global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins and more.
While Earth Day may be going digital environamentalists’ goal remains the same: to mobilize the world to take the most meaningful actions to make a difference. Below are ways to participate:
Exercise your right to express, promote and defend your ideas. While it is not be able to assemble in-person, we can still create a mass outcry and a mass outpouring of support online.
- Take action: Share what you’re doing, today and from where you are:What are you fighting for — it could be for your children, for frontline communities, for safe water to drink. What compels you to act, and why are you in this fight?
- Add your voice to this global demand for action with #EarthDay2020 and #EARTHRISE.
ACT: Everyone can do something. Join on the; and on @earthdaynetwork on social media for 24 hours of action with EARTHRISE
A new, powerful way for us to demand action and drive change.
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