This is the motto of the World Day for Network Security known as the Safer Internet Day established and promoted by the European Commission. which is celebrated on the second Tuesday of February simultaneously in over 150 countries including Italy. This year the appointment will be on 9 February This year the event will be held exclusively online due to the pandemic. Schools, students and parents can access the event by connecting to

This day is becoming more and more important as the Internet is no longer just an aid for communication but it has become a real pivot in the life of each of us: just think that digital purchases exceed those in physical stores, billions of users have an exclusively online bank account, almost all the bureaucratic aspects are carried out on the internet; for this reason, all types of scams must be prevented; but this is only one of the “dark” aspects of the web: think of all the teenagers who have lost their lives due to cyberbullying or sadistic and twisted sites like the blue whale.

This Safer Internet Day is a campaign that focuses on how young people can know what to trust online.   It explores how influence, persuasion and manipulation can impact young people’s decisions, opinions and what they share online.

So the day’s goal is to make students reflect on the conscious use of technological tools and the active role they can have by using the network in a safe and positive way.

It promotes the safety of the web and tools such as smartphones and tablets, video games, especially among children and young people all over the world.

Anyway, how much do you understand about consent in a digital world?

Try this quiz below to explore reliability in the online world, I did it and assure it’s really helpful.