Nowadays, talking about school as “online school” sounds almost normal. You have to sit o your laptop, tablet or phone and start a videocall with your classmates and you teachers.
But is it so bad? Is it so dangerous or stuff like that? Obviously sitting in front of a desktop for 6/7 hours or more isn’t healthy because it can damage your eyes and furthermore, you can get backache due a wrong posture. Moreover, our country does not have a good network connection so many people cannot properly attend the classes. In addition, teenagers do not socialize anymore because they cannot meet their friends, classmates and kids need some help in from an adult attending in distance learning but not always parents are available due their job.
However, distance learning has been helpful to reduce the diffusion of the virus and meantime continue with our daily learning activities. However most of students and teacher like it because it’s more comfortable and they would not rather than it to usual class.
Some experts reckon the distance learning cannot be a good substitute for the “school as usual” and it should be applied just in case of emergency. This in order to not direct attention away from the reality.
Sergio Refuto 3As.a.
Laura Refuto 3h s.
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