A FLASH IN THE PAN: letteralmente un lampo in una padella a equivale all’Italiano essere una meteora, oppure fuoco di paglia.

Meaning: a moment of fame that soon fails.

Ex: He was named the best new director of 2000. But his career was a flash in the pan.



A  PAIN IN THE NECK: un dolore al collo? No. Questo idioma significa una gran seccatura.

Meaning: an annoying or tedious person.

Ex: How is your sister with you, now? She is a pain in the neck. She always tells me to do this or to do that.





ANTS IN YOUR PANTS: immaginiamo di avere le formiche nelle mutande. In verità l’idioma è abbastanza chiaro, esso significa non stare mai fermi un attimo, essere agitati.

Meaning: To be unable to sit still, due to anxiety or excess of energy.

Ex: Mary gets ants in her pants when she finishes working and goes home.


BACK TO THE SQUARE ONE: tornare a quadro uno, cioè: punto e a capo.

Meaning: back to the beginning.

Ex: If they do not accept our proposal, we will be back to square one.





BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA: letteralmente tra il diavolo e il profondo mare blu; più semplicemente: tra l’incudine e il martello.

Meaning:  a dilemma because you have two choices that are both equally unpleasant.

Ex: John is trying to please his boss and his mother in law so he is between the devil and the deep blue sea.


To be continued