The “Eureka effect”, also known as “Eureka moment”, is a sudden inspiration that usually happens while we do activities that don’t require concentration such as having a shower, walking, fishing or running. These activities promote the emergence of new ideas, increasing creative thinking and limiting rational thinking. The Eureka effect refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previous incomprehensible problem or concept. This effect is classified as an implicit learning process. To reach an age at which the Eureka effect is likely to occur, it is necessary to be 11-12 years old. This passage from non-inclusion to sudden understanding is accompanied by an exclamation of joy or satisfaction, an “Aha moment”! A person who uses intuition to solve a problem is able to give precise, clear answers while people who do not use the process of intuition are more likely to produce partial and incomplete answers. There seems to be a two-step process. In the first step, the problem solver crashes while in the second step it occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. After a change of perspective , you can see the answer to the problem itself. The idiomatic expression “EUREKA EFFECT” comes from Archimedes, the most ancient mathematician from Syracuse. He was trying to solve a difficult problem: he wanted to measure the volume of an irregular object. The mathematician had to solve the problem commissioned by the despot of Syracuse.He had been done an irregular votive crown by his goldsmith, but he suspected that he had been cheated by the goldsmith who removed gold adding the same weight of silver. Annoyed of thinking about the apparent insoluble problem, he decided to go to thermal baths. When he stepped into the bath, he noticed that the level of the water rose and he suddenly found the solution: it was possible to measure the volume of an object by immersing it in water and see how much the water level would rise. He proved that the despote was right. So Archimedes was so excited that he left the thermal public baths without getting dressed and he ran naked though the streets of Syracuse, shouting :”EUREKA.I’ve found it!”.
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