Nothing special for this summer?

Need help to organize your vacation? Follow my tip. I’m sure you’ll prreciate it.

Book a holiday in Edimburgh in August!

Edinburgh is the Capital of Scotland  and it is very funny, specially in August. For three weeks in August, the city of Edinburgh welcomes an explosion of creative energy from around the globe. Artists and performers (buskers as well) take to hundreds of stages all over the city to present shows for every taste. Moreover you can enjoy concerts, festivals, shows, plays; the food is good (there is the “shortbread”,  tipical Scottish biscuits). This great eventi s called “The Fringe Festival”

The Fringe Festival has a policy of open-acces and includes in its programm anyone with a story to tell a venue willing to host them.

They are more innvoative, offering a range of cultural events from theatre , comedy dance, circus and more.

The Fringe events happen on the streets, in pubs, in galleries anywhere and evrywhere giving the city an atmhosphrere of constant and continuos performance.

Every street in town becomes a live stage or concert hall.

In fact, the Fringe has created by far the biggest and most dynamic international arts market in the world.

A few years ago, mental health was the most prominent theme wheraeas more recently the emphasis has been more about transgender and racial equity.

By the way , you can visit an amazing castle on the top of a rock with an amazing view and an original cannon with the traditional Military tatoo parade  performed by British Armed ForcesCommonwealth and international military bands, and artistic performance teams on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle in the capital of Scotland. Audiences get into the spirit and stamp and cheer to the sounds of the military pipes and drums; believe me it’s a real magic atmoshepre.

The Tattoo is an iconic Edinburgh institution and normally a sellout year after year after year, with music, dance, precision display, and the poignant refrain of Pipers against the stunning backdrop of Edinburgh Castle.

Have I conviced you? Ready to leave? Book a unique stay in this fascinating place, you won’t regret it.