On september 26th is the International European day of languages.

But what are languages for?

Languages are a true symbol of the culture of countries, a sign of the history and stratification of peoples that have followed one another in a certain area. It is a recognition and, for millenniums, a tool that allows you to keep in touch many different cultures. It’s a symbol of human intelligence, which has become always more refined.

And it’s from this mix that comes the need to give languages a day to be celebrated: September 26th.

On this day we celebrate all languages, from international ones such as English, to the ore territorial and dialectal ones, known by few, such as Catalan. It’s a moment to remember and give space to culture.

It was founded in 2001, on the initiative of the Council of Europe, in order to make everyone aware of the importance of them and to create incentives to everyone.

In fact, among the general objectives of the day, we have the promotion of the study of languages and linguistic diversity and the encouragement towards their study.

You can participate in events organized by your city or school, events that, in 20 years, have gathered thousands of people.

In support of new techniques and initiatives in the field of language teaching and learning, the European Commission has established the “European language label” award.

The national contact for this day in Italy is the “Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice”.

It’s important to know languages to broaden your mind and your personality.