Is it possible to become Uk’s Prime Minister when you’re richer than the king himself? For Rishi Sunak, yes. Last October Sunak was nominated 57th Prime Minister of Uk. He is leader of the Conservative party. Did you know he is the first Hindu President,? Are you curious to know more about this man? If the answer is yes, you need to read my article!


His origins are not British: he has Indian parents that moved from East Africa to Uk. He’s always been part of a rich family, in fact, he studied at an expensive private boarding school, Winchester College and continued his studies attending Oxford University where he got a master at Stanford. Here, he met his current wife: Murty. Guess what?  Murty as a poor Cindarella with no wealth, waiting and looking for her prince to come! Actually, Murty is Marayan Murthy’s daughter, an Indian Billionaire also called the “Bill Gates” of India because he founded the software company Infosys. As we know, though, life isn’t always joyful and easy, even for these successful and important people. In fact, Murty was accused of not paying Uk taxes because she didn’t result as a  Uk resident, so she would have had to pay £20m of Uk’s taxes! Her spokesperson announced that she would have started  paying those taxes on her overseas earnings in order to relieve pressure on her husband.

Although, why do we actually say that Rishi and Murty’s fortune is bigger than Camilla and Charles’one? The first couple’s fortune is estimated to be £730m, double than the Royal couple’s patrimony.

Rishi Rusak’s journey to reach this high level of his politic career started really fast  when he has gone from MP to Prime Minister in just seven years! The fate wanted that Lizz Truss (predecesser) was destroyed by her disastrous  and unfunded tax cuts, so the path of the a brilliant politic career  was easier to walk for Sunak !

But, I suppose you’re probably wandering what is Sunak’s policy based on, if you want to know more about this you should keep reading! In fact, the main concept that Sunak insisted on in his campaign is to have a “highly productive UK economy” and to make taxations lowers as  long as this is affordable and deliverable.

Even if Sunak’s lifestyle might be very different from ours, there is something that  he has in common with us: he loves Coca-Cola, as he once affirmed he collects Coca Cola things and he’s addicted to this drink!

Here’s all you need to know about UK’s Prime Minister, we could consider him an example for us whenever we go through hard times in our career because, as you read before, he kept pursuing his dream even when Lizz Truss had win :he stayed persistent and, in return for that, life gave him the biggest opportunity. I suppose you’re asking yourselves whether money has done the major part of Rishi Sunak’s job and in what terms they helped him  getting what he wanted. Well, what I can say and think is that money is not what counts the most at this level, of course, it has an important role but remember that  only having money without a right-thinking personality, won’t lead you anywhere! Uk is a really big and complicated country to administrate and to make decisions for, it’s not going to be an easy job but we have to hope for the best of this Country and have fate in Sunak’s actions animated by love ,respect and right moral values.