Avete mai sentito parlare di Slow Food? Mangiare slow è una filosofia di vita che mette al centro del nostro vivere il mangiare sano ma non solo. Quest’associazione internazionale il 9 dicembre compirà 30 anni. Questo articolo sono certo vi chiarirà molte cose riguardo al costruire un mondo migliore a partire dal cibo.
30 years have passed since that day in Paris, SLOW FOOD association gathered delegates from all over the world signed the Slow Food Manifesto (1989). A manifesto that for the first time spoke of the importance of the right to pleasure, which laid the foundations for a new way of understanding gastronomy and which made food an extraordinary element to influence not only the life of each of us, but of the whole planet.
What is Slow Food exactly?
Slow Food is an “eno-gastronomic” (wine and food) association committed to protecting traditional and sustainable quality foods, primary ingredients, conserving methods of cultivation and processing, and defending the biodiversity of cultivated and wild varieties.
Why the name Slow Food?
Slow Food means living an unhurried life, taking time to enjoy simple pleasures, starting at the table.
Why the snail symbol?
The snail was chosen because this mollusc moves calmly and it is used to eating slowly.
Who founded this association?
This association was strongly desired by a food activist Carlo Petrini in the small northern Italian town of Bra in 1986. Its initial aim was to support and defend good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life.
Yes, it’s intelligent claim is: GOOD, CLEAN and FAIR.
- Good: tasty and flavorsome, fresh, capable of stimulating and satisfying the senses.
- Clean: produced without straining the earth’s resources, its ecosystems and its environments and without harming human health.
- Fair: respectful of social justice: from production to commercialization to consumption.
The Slow Food movement has been shaped at every stage by a moral purpose: to determine what it is good to eat, having regard for the interests of producers, customers and the environment.
Does Slow Food mean organic?
No, it doesn’t. Slow Food supports the principles behind organic agriculture, such as promoting methods that have a low impact on the environment and reducing the use of pesticides. Moreover, most of the Slow Food Presidia practice organic.
What are Presidia?
Presidia are projects established to save artisanal food products, native animal breeds, plant varieties, traditional farming and fishing techniques, ecosystems and rural landscapes at risk of extinction.
How is Slow Food financed?
The international association receives most of its funding from membership fees and contributions from sponsors.
Today, more than then, we cannot pretend that what we eat does not affect our destiny.
Today, more than then, we must act to prevent the loss of traditions and knowledge related to the production of that food capable of protecting ecosystems and social justice.
In these 30 years Slow food projects have grown and are in the eyes of all models to follow, able to guarantee a future forthe communities.
There is still a lot of work to do and for this we have to join the journey. We have to play our part in reshaping our styles of eating, the food system and help build a brighter future.
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