False friends: a real language trap
Uno degli errori più comun per noi studenti di Inglese è di cadere nella trappola dei false friends ( amici) perché questi termini vengono spesso tradotti letteralmente adattando per somiglianza…
Questa sezione nasce dal bisogno di prendere confidenza con espressioni idiomatiche che gli inglesi amano utilizzare nelle conversazioni quotidiane, e che spesso si trovano nei libri, nelle serie TV…
Spreading love is what Valentine’s Day is all about.
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of that feeling called Love. Love between lovers (man and his woman, but nowadays between two people who love each other, no matter their sex),…
Wikipedia turned 20 on 15 January 2020. Happy birthday!
It's extremely known and used, the Diy- encyclopedia Wikipedia. Its name is a blending of the words wiki (a technology for creating collaborative websites, from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning…
Don’t let Blue Monday get you down!
Do you ever feel “blue”? No, I don’t mean if you listen to blues music or if you have blue skin or if you look like a smurf. “Feel…
No vaccine, no fly?
During this year one of the most disrupted sector is certainly the air travel. When in April all the world was locked down and the borders were closed all the…
Despite the difficult situation we are facing due to the pandemic, no one has forgotten the Christmas spirit, not even Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is forced to spend Christmas…
Goodbye to the eclectic teacher who helped us to get by with English language
John Peter Sloan, a great singer, a theatre actor, a comedian, a book writer but above all an eclectic and excellent English teacher died suddenly on 25th May (at the…
Earth Day’s 2020- 50th anninersary
In recent years, the focus on Earth Day has become ever greater. But what is Earth day? Mainly, a day dedicated to the environment for the protection of the planet:…
This year we have started studying English history and literature. A very exalting topic has been the epic poem and the fascinating figure of a Scandinavian legendary hero: “Beowulf”. When…