The Conservative Party (right-wing) or Tories, as it is usually said after centuries, won a majority in the General election in the U.K on 12th December 2019.  It won exactly a total of 365 seats declared and will form the next Government after securing an overall majority.

The leader  of the Labour party (left-wing) Jeremy Corbyn  announced he will not lead Labour into another election after his party suffered humiliation and admitted it was  a “very disappointing” night .

The SNP (Scottish National party) gained 48 seats (beyond all expectation) defeating the Liberal Democrat (centrist) leader Jo Swinson who won only 11 seats and declared that it was a real disappointing night for her party.

But the big winner was Mr Johnson, Boris Johnson the current UK Prime minister (Bo Jo, as tabloids often call him) as the Tories won seat after seat in Labour’s heartlands.

The result gives Johnson a comfortable majority in the House of Commons and paves the way for Brexit to take place at the end of January. The Tories’ main campaign promise is to do what  Mrs May failed to do, and what Mr Johnson has made his mission as Prime minister, to get Brexit done.

Mr Johnson’s mood is much more upbeat as he thinks his new government will be the chance to respect the democratic will of the British

people to change the country for the better and to bring out the potential of the entire people of his country.

And then goes the question, why did most of people from UK vote Conservative?

According to surveys the answer is that they want to preserve their history, their culture, their heritage, their own values but above all they want the control of immigration because that’s their idea of democracy or something like that. Actually, they want immigration down because they think it will be the only way to go back living a decent life, to take their jobs, their houses, their identity and above all their country back. There is no objection to protect culture but all this can’t be justified with their control over immigration. Control is a national prerogative but nations can be constructed on a specifically non-ethnic basis, but it is important bring together different cultures. Conservatives should spend more time discussing and thinking about assimilation, recognize the economic benefits of immigration and admit that immigrants can also bring youth, innovative ideas and talent to UK economy, Change is not something to be imposed by others.