Today, January 17, is Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year for those who live north of the equator.

Since it falls every third Monday in January, it is not difficult to guess why it has gots this bad reputation: it is cold, the darkness arrives early, Christmas is now a distant memory and the next holidays are far too far away.

The date is usually made to coincide with the third Monday of January, which falls between the 15th and 21st of the month, but may also fall on the second or fourth Monday of the same month or during the last week.

The identification of this date is attributed to Cliff Arnall, psychologist at the University of Cardiff.

Here are some sentences created by my class to try to cheer us up on this sad day.

  • “Hope” is the thing with feathers –

That perches in the soul –

And sings the tune without the words –

And never stops

(Marta Nunziante IVAL)


  • I’m always loved

(Zelinda Cozzolino IVAL)


  • Always remember the most beautiful things that happened to you in your life

(Angelica Visciano IVAL)


  • The important thing is to know how to smile

(Rosamaria Marciano Iovane IVAL)


  • Never stop trying until you’re proud of yourself

(Silvia Borrelli IVAL)

  • See the bright side in everything

(Alessandro Veropalumbo IVAL)

  • It will pass like every Monday

(Mariapia Reda IVAL)


  • It cannot last forever

(Chiara Benefatto IVAL)


  • You’re lucky, enjoy what you have

(Marco Iovane IVAL)


  • It’s just a Monday like any others

(Alessia Venditto IVAL)


  • The weekend will come

(Pietro Farinaio IVAL)

  • Think of what makes you happier

(Anna Marcelluzzo IVAL)


  • Stay with your family

Enjoy your grandparents

Look at your favorite photos

Eat what you like

Remember good times
More will come

(Zelinda Cozzolino IVAL)


  • Dedicate time to yourself

You’re more important than Blue Monday

(Zelinda Cozzolino IVAL)