Scientific research: cloning five baby monkeys.
Abbiamo avuto notizie della prima clonazione in laboratorio in Cina di cinque scimmiette a cui è stata modificata la fase del sonno-veglia. Esse infatti non dormono mai a fini di ricerca scientifica per lo studio delle malattie, come per esempio quella di Parkinson e dei vari tipi di cancro.
We should improve clonation experiments because doing that we can find out new teraphies to cure diseases such as cance, Parkinson and mental disorders. Animals aren’t mistreated because scientists have created them only for research. Clonation experiments seem strange because they are something new and we haven’t got used to them yet. But, in less than twenty years, they’ll be accepted by everyone .
This experiment has caused many critics, legitimated by the different points of view.
We ‘ ve done a survey and it has turned out that the maiority of the population is against the experiments on the animals. Most of them think that it is unfair and should be illegal to do something like that. Maybe we should progress, at first trying to search new ways to make experiments.
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