THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK: an announced end
In the last few days, watching tv, I’ve heard a lot about the Doomsday clock and it has intrigued me. I have soon connected this word to the Doomsday book we have studied this year in one of our English history lessons. It was a a huge survey of land and landholding commissioned by King William I in 1085 to collect money on them. It was called Doomsday because it was seen as being as final and definitive as the Last Judgment (or Doomsday) when God will decide the eternal fate and nobody could have escaped from it.
But back to the news! What is the meaning of “Doomsday” connected to the news?Anguished!!!! In 1947 scientists from The bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the Doomsday Clock. This revolves around the idea that, with technology created by us, we could be closer and closer to the “Judgement day” as we are not that far from a disaster.
The time on the clock is updated every January by the scientists and the clock hands, unfortunately, always move closer to midnight which means that we are bringing ourselves closer to the Doomsday.
Every war, every tragic event or every threat for humanity of the environment causes the time on the clock to shift from its initial position. Just to give an example, the clock hands moved away from midnight when The Cold War came to an end in 1991 but got closer to it when India and Pakistan started conducting nuclear tests in 1998.
Since this clock might and should be frightening for people, scientists tried to explain that their creation never intended to scare anyone, in fact everyone should see it as a way to understand that we have to make a move as soon as possible. We should all keep an eye on the fact that we’ve never been anywhere closer to midnight as we are now because, with the war in Ukraine and the extreme environmental damages, the time now indicated on the clock is 23:58 (and 30 seconds) which means that we are 90 seconds away from the end of the world.
Rachel Bronson, CEO (chief executive officer) of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said that, as of right now, the only way of turning back the clock would be to make Ukraine discuss a way to peace with its allies, so that this extremely scary war would end. This means that everytime there is a positive change in the world the clock hands go back.
So, in the end, the Doomsday clock should make us all more observant of what’s around us since it seems that most people don’t care about the tragedies that they bring to life, or at least not until it finally means that they’re gonna be affected by them. This should make us understand that our actions have consequences and we should all take action before it’s too late to save ourselves from the Doomsday.
Happy end to everyone!!!! hahahahaha
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